Monday, May 25, 2020

Analyse the Importance of Information and Communication...

Analyse the importance of information and communication technologies in the process of international outsourcing. Information and communication technologies are of paramount importance in the process of international outsourcing primarily through the technological advancement surge and demand in recent years. Through the rise of Information technology in recent years, the importance of international outsourcing rose significantly. Outsourcing is the contracting of the management and/or execution of a business function to an outside third-party contractor or subcontractor. Outsourcing typically refers to the contracting of services to an offshore, rather than domestic, company. While outsourcing has been an accepted business practice for†¦show more content†¦Software exports have grown a sevenfold during the past five years. In addition, sales revenue of China’s software industry increased from USD 7.16B in the year 2000 to USD 19.3B in 2003, while software exports increased from USD 0.25B to USD 2B in the same period. In 2008, the domestic market of China’s software and in formation outsourcing industry reached US$633.2 billion. By 2010, total outsourcing industry revenues in China had reached an estimated US$20 billion. The potential growth of the Chinese information technology (IT) services market is compelling — it is expected to grow at an attractive range of better than 20% a year during the next few years. China-heritage providers are indigenous Chinese companies that are tapping the outsourcing potential around the globe and in their own country. There are currently some 13,000 Chinese IT services firms. Most are small, with fewer than 1,000 employees. Fewer are mid-tier, with 1,000 – 10,000 employees. A very few are achieving scale, with more than 10,000 employees. In all, about 2.3 million people work for these companies and together earned about US$20 billion in 2010. The average firm employs about 200 people and earns an average of US$9,000 per employee. The major China heritage firms are present inShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Globalization Essays1386 Words   |  6 Pagesabout it. Globalisation is the interactively international and nearness of economies. It is the process that has led to the diverse parts of the globe becoming much closer to each other (Slaughter and Swagel, 1997). Globalisation is the procedures by which the people around the world become connected to each other in all aspects of life, culturally, technically and politically, economically and environmentally. Globalisation assists improving technology that benefits many people in throughout theRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effects On Society1011 Words   |  5 Pagesbusinesses around the world have interacted and integrated with each other. This is called globalization. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Visa G4 para trabajar en organizaciones internacionales

La visa G-4 permite a una persona extranjera vivir en Estados Unidos para trabajar en una organizacià ³n internacional como la ONU, el FMI o la OEA. En comparacià ³n con otras visas de trabajo, la G-4 ofrece notables ventajas en materia de là ­mite de tiempo, impuestos y familiares que pueden acompaà ±ar a su titular. Tiene cierto parecido con la visa A  para diplomà ¡ticos pero es diferente. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la visa G-4 Los extranjeros con contrato de trabajo en una organizacià ³n internacional ubicada en EE.UU. Ademà ¡s, este mismo tipo de visa se otorga a las personas que conforman el hogar familiar de la persona contratada: su cà ³nyuge, los hijos de cualquier edad, los hijos de la pareja y, en algunos casos muy limitados, los padres e incluso otros familiares cercanos. Validez de la visa G-4 y transfer La visa G-4 es và ¡lida por el tiempo que seà ±ala la misma. Ademà ¡s, se puede prorrogar sucesivamente sin là ­mite de aà ±os. En los 60 dà ­as anteriores a que la visa expire, se tramita su extensià ³n sin necesidad de salir del paà ­s. Se puede transferir de una organizacià ³n internacional a otra, por ejemplo, de trabajar en Naciones Unidas pasar a ser un empleado del Fondo Monetario Internacional. Para ello debe cancelarse con el Departamento de Estado la registracià ³n con la institucià ³n original y registrarse con la nueva. Permiso de trabajo para familiares de titulares visa G-4 En algunos casos, los familiares que acompaà ±an a EEUU a la persona contratada por la organizacià ³n internacional pueden trabajar. Para ello necesitan obtener previamente un permiso de trabajo, que se conoce por las siglas EAD. Debe solicitarse al USCIS, que sà ³lo los concede en los casos de nacionales de paà ­ses que tienen un tratado de reciprocidad con Estados Unidos. Los permisos de trabajo se aprueban para el cà ³nyuge o pareja, los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, o de 23 si està ¡n estudiando a tiempo completo en la universidad. Si tuviesen una minusvalà ­a fà ­sica o mental no se aplica el là ­mite de edad, siempre y cuando sean solteros. Por otra parte, los hijos de extranjeros con visa G-4 pueden estudiar la educacià ³n primaria y secundaria. Para los recià ©n llegados, estos son las reglas bà ¡sicas del sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos. Impuestos de titulares de la visa G-4 Ademà ¡s, otra de las ventajas de la visa G-4 es que no se tributa en EEUU el impuesto sobre la renta (income tax) por el salario pagado por la organizacià ³n internacional. Tramitacià ³n de la visa G-4 y de su extensià ³n Una vez que se ha encontrado una organizacià ³n internacional que ofrezca un trabajo al que se puede aplicar, debe conseguirse que està © de acuerdo en contratar. Una vez que se tiene la oferta de contrato ya debe iniciarse el proceso ante una oficina consular de los Estados Unidos.. Si la persona contratada se encuentra en Estados Unidos deberà ¡ tambià ©n tramitar la visa en un consulado y salir del paà ­s para obtenerla, ya que no se puede hacer este trà ¡mite dentro del paà ­s salvo en casos limitadà ­simos como el de los estudiantes internacionales con una visa F-1 en prà ¡cticas en la organizacià ³n internacional que ahora los contrata con una G-4. En estos supuestos podrà ­a ser posible cambiar la visa a travà ©s del USCIS. Se debe pedir una cita y los documentos a presentar son el DS-160, un pasaporte và ¡lido por al menos medio aà ±o y una carta de la organizacià ³n internacional ofreciendo la contratacià ³n y fotos. Como regla general, no es necesario presentarse a una entrevista y las tasas de la visa no se pagan. Las oficinas consulares pueden pedir informacià ³n y documentacià ³n adicional, dependiendo de cada caso.   Estas visas se caracterizan por ser tramitadas inmediatamente. En cuanto a su validez, si una persona contratada con una visa G-4 se retira o es despedida debe abandonar EEUU en un periodo de 60 dà ­as junto con los familiares inmediatos tambià ©n titulares de ese tipo de visado. Y en estos casos, si se sale de EEUU no se puede volver a entrar, aunque la fecha de vigencia de la visa siga siendo và ¡lida. En cuanto a la renovacià ³n, si el titular de una visa G-4 debe renovar la visa y està ¡ presente en EE.UU. puede contactar con la Diplomatic Liaison Division del Departamento de Estado o con la Misià ³n de EE.UU. ante Naciones Unidas, ya que en muchos casos es posible renovar la visa a travà ©s de esas oficinas llenando el formulario online DS-1648. Finalmente, cabe destacar que, en general, los maestros de la escuela internacional de Naciones Unidas no se consideran plantel de dicha organizacià ³n internacional, por lo tanto no pueden beneficiarse de esta visa. Pero puede ocurrir que la ONU solicite expresamente una G-4 a una persona en particular y el consulado correspondiente puede aprobarla pero no es la regla general. Tributacià ³n por parte de ciudadanos que trabajar en organizacià ³n internacional en EE.UU. Por supuesto que los ciudadanos estadounidenses, los residentes permanentes legales y las personas con permiso de trabajo en los EEUU no necesitan una visa G-4 para trabajar en una organizacià ³n internacional. En cuanto al pago de impuestos por el salario recibido por la organizacià ³n internacional, debe tributarse de una forma especial. La visa G-4 como camino a la green card La G-4 puede ser un puente hacia la residencia permanente tanto durante la vida laboral de una persona como tras su jubilacià ³n. En este à ºltimo caso si la persona ha vivido al menos 15 aà ±os en EEUU y, de ellos, tres y medio los ha residido en los siete aà ±os anteriores a retirarse, puede solicitar la green card para sà ­ misma y para su cà ³nyuge en los seis meses siguientes a su à ºltimo dà ­a de trabajo. Otras opciones para trabajar en Estados Unidos Para trabajar legalmente es necesario tener una situacià ³n migratoria que lo permita. Por ejemplo, porque se es ciudadano americano, residente permanente legal, se tiene una visa de trabajo o se està ¡ en una situacià ³n que permite solicitar y obtener un permiso de trabajo. Tener en cuenta que trabajar cuando no se està ¡ autorizado es una violacià ³n migratoria y, si las autoridades se enteran o lo sospechan darà ¡ lugar a que se cancele la visa. Frecuentemente, la persona se entera de que su visa es revocada cuando intenta regresar a Estados Unidos despuà ©s de un viaje a otro paà ­s y se encuentra con la desagradable sorpresa de que no la dejan entrar a paà ­s y la envà ­an de regreso a su lugar de procedencia.   Puntos Clave: Visa G-4  ¿Para quià ©n es?: extranjeros con contrato de trabajo en una organizacià ³n internacional ubicada en EE.UU.El titular de la visa G-4  ¿puede obtener visa para familiares?: sà ­, en general para el cà ³nyuge, compaà ±ero domà ©stico e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. En algunas circunstancias, ese cà ­rculo de familiares puede ampliarse. Pueden trabajar en EE.UU. y estudiar.El titular de la visa G-4,  ¿paga impuestos en EE.UU.?: No. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal .

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Abortion A Violation Of Privacy - 934 Words

The lights are dimmed, romantic music is playing, the bedding smells like freshly cleaned linen while your partner’s scent is sweet yet sensual as they kiss and caress your body. The foreplay is indeed exciting and right when the two of you are about to reach the point of the start of an incredibly night, you both realize that none of you have condoms. This is a moment that you especially want to capture yet you are unwilling to possibly become a parent just yet. Time to take a trip to the nearest drug store! When asking the cashier for the item you and your partner are in need of, the employee informs the two of you that contraceptives are now banned and they have no more of any types of contraceptives in stock. Well, you have two options: prepare to possibly become a parent in 9 months or you can forget about having sex for a while. Many people in this situation would most likely agree that the banning of contraceptives is a violation of privacy. The â€Å"Unwritten right o f privacy† was a major issue in the 1965 court case, Griswold V. Connecticut where the right of privacy was newly founded as a fundamental right of the Constitution. This case back dates to 1879 when the state of Connecticut outlawed contraception which pertains to a variety of strategies to prevent pregnancy during sex. It became a crime to use or assist anyone in using anything to prevent conception. Several people were offended and acknowledged this new law as an invasion of privacy (griswold, 84). WhyShow MoreRelatedCivil Liberties vs Civil Rights Essay716 Words   |  3 Pagesintentionally cause harm. Civil liberties contribute to the protection of our personal choices, such as the right to abortions. The bill of rights is important to civil liberties because it does not allow the government to govern our personal lives. Unfortunately, with this war against terrorism, we have given those authoritative figures the ability to mandate new laws that invade our personal priva cy in the name of terrorism, such as the Patriot Act. In 1963, an eighteen year old girl was kidnapped and rapedRead MoreIs Abortion A Moral And Constitutional Issue?999 Words   |  4 PagesThese brave women have fought for changes in government, employment, education, and religion. The subject of abortion is no different than the battle for equality in wages. The topic of abortion as been a heated debate for generations. The right to abortion, as controversial as it may be, is still a fight for a woman’s right to choose. Many people can agree that the proposition of abortion is both a moral and constitutional issue. A person s right to choose what they want to do with their bodiesRead MoreFacts of the Case on Abortion913 Words   |  4 PagesTexas from criminalizing all abortions except the ones that would save the life of a mother. Texas had made it a crime to receive an abortion except when the doctor advises the mother have an abortion for her own health and safety. Jane Roe wanted a ruling that declared these Texasâ €™ statutes to be unconstitutional and also, she wanted to prevent the District Attorney from enforcing them. Roe alleged that she was pregnant and unmarried. She could not legally obtain an abortion by a licensed doctor becauseRead MoreAbortion Is An Intentional Termination Of A Pregnancy1521 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion is an intentional termination of a pregnancy during the first twenty-eight weeks. The debate of whether or not abortion should be legalized has been a key political topic for years. Based upon a survey done by the Pew Research Center, as of September 22, 2014 â€Å"a majority of Americans (55%) express the opinion that abortion should be legal in all or most cases; four-in-ten say it should be illegal in all or most cases.†(Abortion, n.p.). Abortion should be legalized based upon the mothers’Read MoreToday, One Of The Hottest And Most Dangerous Discussions1084 Words   |  5 PagesToday, one of the hottest and most dangerous discussions to have in the public square is about abortion. The polarizing viewpoints create emotionally charged arguments that often lead to nowhere. As society voices its opinion, it is the daily interaction of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the U.S. government that have and will impact abortion the most. The practice of abortion was completely changed and most influenced by the decisions of the judicial branch. Although AmericaRead MoreThe Rights Of The State Of Connecticut1224 Words   |  5 Pagesof counselling, to married persons for purposes of preventing conception. (along with with some other medical treatment) The conclusion is although that the constitution does not directly protect the right to privacy, the numerous zones in the Bill of Rights, do establish a right to privacy. The Connecticut statute conflicts with this right, therefore making it void. At first the case was on the side on Connecticut, until the case was later overturned by the U.S Supreme court on June, 7 of 1965.Read MoreThe Supreme Court Of The United States (Otherwise Known1382 Words   |  6 Pages one of them being Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973). This case was monumental for women s rights and the issue of abortion. Still to this day, it has been one of the most famous abortion cases in U.S. histor y. It all started in 1971 when Norma McCorvey (otherwise known as Jane Roe), filed suit against District Attorney Wade of Dallas County, for a Texas law that prohibited abortion, except to save the life of a mother if she was in some type of danger. This law was declared unconstitutional in theRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Illegal Essay1123 Words   |  5 PagesAbortion is widely debated across the world and in 1973 Roe v. Wade would start an issue with ethical and legal issues. There are multiple cases arguing why it should or shouldn’t be lawful to go through with this procedure. Women should have the right to get an abortion as It is her rights to decide if they aren’t able to be able have a child, the woman shouldn’t have to rely on anyone else, she should be able to make this decision as they have to carry it for 9 months and endure the physical painRead MoreThe Death Of Roe V. Wade1571 Words   |  7 PagesDying to Live In 1973, Roe v. Wade ruled a state law that banned abortions, except in the cases of risking the life of the mother, unconstitutional (Garrow 833). The Court ruled that states were forbidden from regulating or outlawing abortion performed during the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy, could pass abortion regulations if they were related to the health of the mother in the second and third trimesters, and pass abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus in the third trimester (PaltrowRead MoreThe Rights Of The State Of Connecticut1224 Words   |  5 Pagesof counselling, to married persons for purposes of preventing conception. (along with with some other medical treatment) The conclusion is although that the constitution does not directly protect the right to privacy, the numerous zones in the Bill of Rights, do establish a right to privacy. The Connecticut statute conflicts with this right, therefore making it void. At first the case was on the side on Connecticut, un til the case was later overturned by the U.S Supreme court on June, 7 of 1965.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Markets Globalization

Question: Discuss about theGlobal Markets for Globalization. Answer: Introduction Globalization is an ongoing process of international interaction and interchange of opinions, ideas, resources, goods and service (Michie, 2011). The global trades are not a modern time notion but were done in every era of known human history, though the term globalization came into use since 1970s (Marsden, 2015). The globalization has given rise to cross border trades, businesses, enabled migration of people, supported exchange of knowledge and wealth. In its report in 2000, the International Monetary Fund recognized the issues and opportunities presented by extensive globalization in the modern business world (International Monetary Fund, 2000). Some of the needs and the opportunities of globalization for the domestic business are explored in this essay. Also this essay would discuss the trade theories formed for the global markets. The comparison, advantages and limitations of the Absolute advantage and Comparative advantage trade theories are explained in details. Globalization is not only Imperative for Survival, but also an Opportunity for Future Growth of Domestic Businesses. The globalization gives opportunities for the domestic business to explore the potential of the new markets. It enables the local business take benefit of the economies of scale by endorsing its goods and services in new budding markets (Bayraktar, 2014). Globalisation is not a mere choice today but almost a compulsion on the business who wishes to grow and sustain in the future. Even if the domestic companies do not enter the foreign market, they are affected by globalisation as the international players enter their local markets. this breaks the monopoly of the local businesses and forces them to upgrade their product quality and prices to become comparable to their foreign competitors. This advancement caused by the globalisation eventually helps the economic growth of the business and the country at large (Hartungi, 2006). Therefore, the growth of the domestic company in foreign market is not merely necessity or the survival of the business but also a plethora of opportunities. After the saturation of the local markets or by the stiffer competition from the foreign market penetrators, the best possible way ahead for a local business is to make use of the opportunities presented by globalisation (Bhagwati, 2007). A company can take advantage of the cheaper raw materials, labour or other resources in a different country and hence ensure control in the operational cost (Mochrie et al., 2001). This would also help the company to make better profits and revenues, further enhancing the company sustainability. Globalisation also ensures that the market risks of the company are distributed by being present in various nations at their different level of economic growth stages. the recession in one nation could be managed by the boom on the economy of other nation (Kohtamaki, 2016). International Trade Theories. In the case where the trading is taking place between two countries the situation involves various complex concepts and theories. These take into account various aspects like the international legislations, treaties, agreements between trading countries etc. the two classification of the global trade theories are the country-based or classical theory and firm-based or modern theories (Helpman, 2011) Absolute Advantage Trade Theory The Absolute Advantage theory is a country-based or classical trade theories. This theory suggested that the capability of a nation to manufacture or produce a certain product with more competency than the other nation, gives it an absolute advantage (Roxenhall, 2013). The nation should therefore identify such products, which it is able to make in a better way, at lower cost, quickly or in higher quality than other countries. Comparative Advantage Trade Theory Comparative advantage is also a classical or country-based trade theory. As per this theory the countries which are more competent in making both the goods that could be traded in exchange of each other, enjoys a higher comparative advantage than the country which is incapable of making any tradable goods or services (Hunt Morgan, 1995). Differences Between the Two Trade Theories The difference between the absolute and comparative advantage trade theories is a subtle one. On one hand the theory of comparative advantage put focus on the differences between the relative productivity of two countries, on the other hand the absolute advantage theory talks about the absolute competence of a nation (Reidenbach, 2013). To understand it better lets take a scenario where the only countries in the world are A and B, which makes only two goods with efficiency, say cheese and leather shoes. If in one-labor hour A makes 20 cheese blocks and 10 leather shoes while B makes 2 cheese blocks and 4 shoes. Here A has higher absolute advantage for making both the goods more in number. Though for A opportunity cost of making 1 shoe is 2 block of cheese, while for B it is merely 0.5 blocks of cheese. Thus B has grater comparative advantage in the manufacturing of shoes as compared to A (Weder, 1995). Limitations One of the important limitations seen in both these theories is lack of consideration for the transportation costs and government restrictions (Castronovo, 2012). The increase in specialisation by one country for a particular products or services may also result in the diseconomies of scale. Also these theories do not take into account the dynamic nature of the business and that switching of labor with expertise in one product might not be very easy task (Porter, 2011). Conclusion Thus it could be concluded that the globalization not only a necessity of the modern business scenario but also a fortunate opportunity for the business which wishes to expand and remain growing in the long run. Also the concepts of global trade theories enable to countries to identify their strengths and use them for better negotiations in the global markets. The limitations of the presently discussed trade theories are compensated by various modern trade theories such as Country Similarity Theory, Product Life Cycle Theory, Global Strategic Rivalry Theory, etc. Thus taking a domestic business in a well-researched global market is the wise decision for the growth and sustainability of the business. References Bayraktar, A., Oly Ndubisi, N. (2014). The role of organizational mindfulness in firms globalization and global market performance.Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship,16(1), 26-46. Bhagwati, J.N. (2007) In Defense of globalization: With a new Afterword. Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA. Castronovo, C., Huang, L. (2012). Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness,6(1), 117-134. Hartungi, R. (2006) Could developing countries take the benefit of globalisation? International Journal of Social Economics, 33(11), pp. 728743. Helpman, E. (2011) Understanding global trade. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Hunt, S.D. and Morgan, R.M. (1995) The comparative advantage theory of competition, Journal of Marketing, 59(2), p. 1. International Monetary Fund (2000) Globalization: Threat or opportunity? An IMF issues brief. Available at: (Accessed: 18 September 2016). Kohtamaki, M., Thorgren, S. and Wincent, J., (2016). Organizational identity and behaviors in strategic networks.Journal of Business Industrial Marketing,31(1), pp.36-46. Marsden, D. (2015) Globalization: The key concepts by Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 23(1), pp. 9495. Michie, J. (2011) The handbook of Globalisation, Second edition (Elgar original reference). Edited by Jonathan Michie. 2nd edn. Northampton, MA: Elgar, Edward Publishing. Mochrie, C., Olds, K., Dicken, P., Kelly, P.F., Kong, L. and Yeung, H.W. (2001) Globalisation and the Asia-Pacific: Contested territories, Pacific Affairs, 74(1), p. 96. Porter, M.E. (2011) Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. United States: Simon and Schuster. Reidenbach, R.E. and Robin, D.P., (2013). Some Initial Steps Toward Improving the Measurement of Ethical Evaluations of Marketing Activities. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 315-328). Springer Netherlands. Roxenhall, T., (2013). Network structure and innovation in strategic innovation networks.International Journal of Innovation Management,17(02), p.1350002. Weder, R. (1995) Linking absolute and comparative advantage to Intra-Industry trade theory, Review of International Economics, 3(3), pp. 342354.